Monday, January 18, 2016

With these words, I'm left breathless
With these thoughts, I'm left confused
With every moment, I find myself lost, but observant 

Noticing too much
Noticing too little
Noticing I haven't done enough

But I'm not dead, yet
Pissed off, but moving forward

Always forward, not looking back


Days come and go, regrets can last forever  
Dreams are fleeting, unless they become reality 
Love only exist in movies and books

Usually you won't realize it, until the tears begin to fall, then it's too late

There's no going back, no redo's, no apologies that can fix things

It's simply life

Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Truth

My dreams were lies
My dreams were a child's hope

Blinded by love, and blinded by fear
I guess nothing was real, but it was to me

I am a naive, gullible, dumb ass
I trust too much

I don't have any true friends anymore
And my Love has walked away

My fault

I guess I'm done, spent
I'm a victim of my own heart

A victim of my own stupidity

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year

Happy New Year A. 
I'm out of words, and hope
Out of everything 

Live well, and be well
It's all I have left to say

I love you
Good night